So...what does Mother's Day mean to me? Well, for the past 4 years, since the death of my aMom, Mother's Day has just kind of come and gone. Just another day in paradise. Just another Sunday sitting in Church only on this day watching as the Moms are recognized while I think about the mother I no longer have and the child for whom I long to embrace. But maybe...just maybe...this Mother's Day will be different. For, you see, this Mother's Day I have the knowledge that soon it will be my turn. Soon this holiday will have meaning for me not just as a daughter honoring her mother, but as a mother honoring her daughter!
No...Mother's Day shouldn't just be about the Mommies of the world who give tirelessly of themselves for their families and finally deserve one day of rest. For without the children there would be no Mommies to honor. So I say, let's turn the tables. Oh, I don't mean forget about our Moms. By all means...they deserve recognition for their hard work and sacrifice. But the children of this world also deserve recognition and honor. They deserve a break. They deserve a "thank you" for being who they are.
Yes...get Mom that cherished Mother's Day pendant or sweetly planted marigold in the Dixie cup. Cook her a nice dinner and clean up afterwards while she soaks in a nice hot bubble bath. But before the night is done, Moms, regardless of how much they did for you this day, turn to your kid(s) with a smile, wrap your arms around them, and thank them for the joy and happiness they bring to you.
The End?
8 years ago
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